

History of Palestine

Palestine possesses a rich and extensive history dating back over 3,000 years, as evidenced by ancient Egyptian records referring to it as Peleset. The region between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River has held varying significance for different peoples throughout its long history. It has been a home to numerous cultures, kingdoms, and empires, including the Assyrian, Nabataean, Persian, Roman, and more. These diverse influences have shaped and been shaped by the cultural and civilizational blend that characterized the area.

Throughout its history, Palestine has been a sanctuary for various populations seeking refuge from conflict and famine. It is the homeland of Palestinians of various backgrounds, including Armenian, Bosnian, and even Indian Palestinians, each arriving in Palestine for different reasons. The issue did not revolve around the concept of Zionists settling in Palestine; rather, it stemmed from the fact that the Zionist movement, from its inception, showed little interest in coexistence. Historical records, often documented by Zionist pioneers themselves, reveal that the native Palestinian population initially welcomed the first Zionist settlers. They collaborated, with Palestinians even imparting knowledge of agriculture, despite Zionists regarding them as inferior and uncivilized. It was only when it became evident that these settlers sought to become landlords rather than equals that Zionism began to be perceived as a threat.

Resources to learn more

Decolonize Palestine: Palestine 101

Al Jazeera: Timeline of Palestine’s History